Life seems to finally be settling a little bit. We are all adjusting to our new "normal" and feel like we are achieving a routine that is
manageable. Here's bit of what's happening...
Isabella is doing much better with our life changes. She really loves her little sister and proclaims often, "That MY baby sister." She still would prefer that 100% of the attention from Mom and Dad be directed at her, but is not acting out as much when it's not. She likes to put her face close to
Arianna then cracks up laughing when
Arianna touches her. Bella will say, "She's getting me."
Bella is learning something new everyday, it seems. She asked Jason recently, "Daddy, you teach me read?" She has a very curious mind. She knows all of her letters and can recognize them on sight. She also has mastered her colors, shapes, and numbers (to 15...sometime to 20). She likes to talk about all the people we know and how they are related to each other ("Ms. Amy is Jack's mommy and Lexi's mommy"). She also very excited about Christmas, not for the gifts or the tree, but because Aunt
MaryAnn is coming to visit.
Arianna is getting fact she's in the 95
th percentile for height, weight, and head
circumference. She's a really happy baby, which is a pleasant surprise after her rough nights in the beginning. She's just started to laugh (so adorable) and LOVES when people talk to her. She's trying to reach for objects, like toys, but doesn't quite have the muscle control just yet. She shows a significant preference for Mom and Dad over any one else. She's still sleeping pretty well for her age, and she eats LOTS.
I am settling in back at work and enjoying my job. With the state of our economy, I'm thankful every day to be employed.
We are hosting a new small group in our home on Thursday evenings and I'm very excited about it. It's a great group of friends that I'm looking forward to getting to know better. I believe God has really great things in store for the group.
Jason has some new news, but I haven't gotten his permission to share it. So, next time you talk to him ask him what he's up to. In addition to being the worlds GREATEST Dad, he's an amazing husband. The girls and I are really lucky to have him. When I count my blessing he's always at the top of the list.
That's about it for us for this moment. I'll try to post a little more often, and share some kid stories. Bella seems to supply us with at least one every day!