Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Facination With Birth

Isabella is really fascinated with how babies are born...not the technical stuff, but going to the hospital, how messy the baby is when it comes out, etc. It's, of course, because of her recent experience with my pregnancy and Arianna's birth. She loves to watch the birth-related shows on TV (in fact, we watched one this week and had to explain to her why that lady was making so much noise when the baby came out).

One of our friends, Amy, was pregnant. We had told Bella that Ms. Amy had a baby in her belly and that the baby's name was Lexi. So, at Jason's basketball game last weekend we were told that Amy had gone into the hospital in labor. When we got home I told Bella I was going to check my e-mail to see if Lexi had come out of Ms. Amy's belly yet (knowing I would get an e-mail when Lexi arrived). When I was finished, Bella climbed up in our desk chair and says, "I want to see." I asked her what it was that she wanted to see. She replied, "I want to see Lexi come out of Ms. Amy's belly." I guess she thought we'd have a video feed and she'd be able to watch like she does on TV. She was a bit disappointed when I explained, and read her the e-mail update.

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